Saturday, November 30, 2019

Nirma vs Hul free essay sample

Rural inhabitants arent a different species, but consumers as quirky and demanding of marketers as any of their urban cousins. And just as eager to consume maybe even more so, given their access to messages of consumption via TV, but lacking the easy access that makes urban consumer’s blase. For marketers the potential is huge a country waiting eagerly for their products, providing they can make the effort to export inwards, and learn to play the games by rural rules. And if they dont, the chances are that they will be left behind. Even with the minimal effort put in by companies so far, rural India now accounts for majority, or near majority, consumption in many categories. Rural India is clearly not such an area of darkness anymore, and as a further incentive to keep the lights on, remember that farmers get electricity free! One of the most popular and widely accepted Marketing Myth is that the rural consumers will only buy really cheap mass market brands. We will write a custom essay sample on Nirma vs Hul or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But the stark reality is that though brands like Nirma lead, but penetration of premium products has also been observed even to the lowest SEC. The percentages may be very small, but given the large universe, the actual figures may be significant Thus when we are aware of the fact that brands like Nirma rule the rural market, it would be interesting to study and analyse their basic marketing inputs the 4P†s 1 NIRMA About the Company Nirma is the Rs. 17 billion Detergents, Soaps and Personal Care Products Brand, a market leader in the Indian detergent market and second largest in bathing soaps the brand NIRMA being one of the worlds biggest in its segment result of its mission to provide Better Products, Better Value, Better Living. The man who altered the clothes-washing habits of the Karsanbhai Patel the chairman of the Ahmedabad-based Nirma Ltd. This chemist who manufactured detergents at home in Ahmedabad in 1969 has certainly come a long way. He worked from his backyard which developed into a soap factory, cycled to retail outlets and hawked his brand at one-fourth of the price of similar products then available. A t Rs 6, Nirma, named after his daughter, was the cheapest detergent vying for attention on shop shelves. By the late 1980s, Nirma had become one of the worlds largest-selling detergent powders. That he rewrote history and gave Hindustan Lever, the Indian subsidiary of the Anglo-Dutch foods and toiletries conglomerate Unilever, a huge headache is wellchronicled. Today he is proud owner of an Rs 2,500-crore Ahmedabad-based soaps and detergents major It has been Patels dream to make Nirma a synonym for quality. Nirma is not merely a brand or a product, it is a dynamic phenomenon, a revolution, a philosophy, he once said. Nirma sells over 800,000 tones of detergent products every year and commands a 35% share of the Indian detergent market, making it one of the world’s biggest detergent brands. Towards this end, he tried his hand at many brand extensions. From toothpaste to salt and matchsticks, they all nestled under the Nirma umbrella. Incorporated as a private limited company, Nirma was converted into a deemed public company and then to a public limited one in Nov. 93. Nirma is an over Rs. 17 billion brand with a leadership presence in Detergents, Soaps and Personal Care Products, offering employment to over 15,000 people.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Remoción de condiciones de la residencia por matrimonio

Remocià ³n de condiciones de la residencia por matrimonio Los extranjeros que obtienen la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio  con un ciudadano antes de cumplir los dos aà ±os de casados  deben solicitar la remocià ³n de las condiciones si quieren conservar su estatus de residentes. Hay que hacer la remocià ³n de la condicionalidad 90 dà ­as (3 meses) antes de que expire la tarjeta de residencia condicional. A partir de ahà ­ todas las green card que tenga sern definitivas, pero habr que renovarlas antes de que expiren. Quà © hacer para la remocià ³n de las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia Rellenar conjuntamente ambos cà ³nyuges la planilla I-751 y enviarla al centro del USCIS que corresponda junto con el pago de la tarifa y la documentacià ³n necesaria. La planilla debe rellenarse utilizando sà ³lo un bolà ­grafo de tinta negra. Escribir N/A para dejar sin contestar las preguntas que no le afectan a su situacià ³n personal y escribir NONE cuando la respuesta deba ser ninguno. Si para contestar a alguna pregunta no llega el espacio proporcionado en el formulario, entonces tomar una hoja en blanco, escribir en la parte superior de la misma el nombre del residente permanente, su Alien Registration Number y la seccià ³n y nà ºmero de pregunta que se va a contestar en esta hoja adicional. Cundo no estn obligados los cà ³nyuges a rellenar conjuntamente la planilla I-751 Cuando el matrimonio haya sido de buena fe pero haya finalizado por viudedad, nulidad o divorcio. En este caso, adjuntar documento que acredite el fin del matrimonio. En los casos de divorcio à ©ste se ha tenido que producir por un caso de violencia o crueldad extrema hacia el cà ³nyuge extranjero. Incluso en los casos en los que el matrimonio no se ha disuelto pero el cà ³nyuge extranjero ha sufrido violencia domà ©stica à ©ste puede presentar en solitario la solicitud de remocià ³n de las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia. Pero deber adjuntar documentacià ³n que pruebe esta situacià ³n, como son rà ©cords mà ©dicos, policiales, de asistentes sociales o de una corte. Incluso fotografà ­as de lesiones producidas por el abuso o declaraciones de un centro de acogida a và ­ctimas de la violencia domà ©stica. Documentos que se deben adjuntar con la peticià ³n Una fotocopia legible de la tarjeta de residencia por ambos lados. Documentos que sirvan de evidencia de que el matrimonio no es fraudulento y se ha celebrado con el à ºnico propà ³sito de conseguir los papeles. Entre los ejemplos de documentacià ³n que sirve para este propà ³sito destacan: Certificado de nacimiento de hijos en comà ºn.Hipotecas en comà ºn, contrato de arrendamiento, cuentas de banco de ambos cà ³nyuges, prà ©stamos, facturas a nombre de los dos, seguros de vida a favor del otro.Declaraciones juradas de al menos dos personas que conozcan la naturaleza del matrimonio y està ©n dispuestas a testificar que se trata de una relacià ³n de buena fe. En su declaracià ³n deben indicar su nombre completo, fecha de nacimiento, lugar de residencia y cà ³mo es que conocen al matrimonio.Adems, si se ha sido arrestado, demandado, o condenado en corte debe enviarse la documentacià ³n original que debe suministrar la agencia policial que realizà ³ el arresto, o la corte que sentencià ³ condenando o absolviendo. Y si se ha cumplido la condena, documentacià ³n original de ello. En los casos de multas de trfico no hay que notificarlas si no ha habido arresto y sà ³lo se ha impuesto pà ©rdida de puntos de la licencia de manejar y/o una multa inferior a los $500. Pero sà ­ deber hacerse cuando estn relacionadas con haber tomado alcohol o drogas. Si se adjunta algà ºn documento en un idioma distinto del inglà ©s, deber ser traducido por una persona que certifique que tiene un adecuado conocimiento de ambos idiomas. Costo de remover las condiciones de la tarjeta de residencia Este trmite tiene un costo de $590. En realidad hay que pagar $505 por el acto de la remocià ³n las condiciones y $85 por la gestià ³n de los datos biomà ©tricos (toma de huellas digitales, etc.). Adems, si un ciudadano americano hubiese pedido la tarjeta de residencia condicional para sus hijastros, adems de para su cà ³nyuge, deber abonarse $85 por cada nià ±o o muchacho para el que se realice el trmite de quitar las condiciones. Esto aplica sà ³lo en los casos en los que los chicos adquirieron la residencia al mismo tiempo que su padre o su madre o en los 90 dà ­as siguientes. Si tomà ³ ms tiempo, debe entonces rellenarse un I-751 por cada muchacho en esa situacià ³n. A dà ³nde enviar la documentacià ³n Depende del lugar de residencia habitual. Las personas que viven en los estados de Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin y Wyoming o en los territorios de Guam o la Samoa Americana deben enviar la peticià ³n a: USCIS California Service CenterP.O. Box 10751Laguna Niguel, CA 92607-1075 Pero si se vive en: Alabama, Arkansas, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur, Connecticut, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nuevo Hampshire, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo Mexico, Nueva York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, y Virginia Occidental o en las Islas Và ­rgenes Americanas o Puerto Rico, entonces se enviar la documentacià ³n a: USCIS Vermont Service Center75 Lower Welden StreetP.O. Box 200St. Albans, VT 05479-0001 Entrevista Estas 65 preguntas dan una idea de quà © esperar en la entrevista a esposos. La finalidad es intentar diferenciar entre un matrimonio real y otro de mera conveniencia. El caso especial de cà ³nyuge de militares Las personas que desean remover las condiciones de su green card cuando estn en el extranjero acompaà ±ando a su cà ³nyuge que es militar o trabaja para el gobierno de los EEUU debern adjuntar dos fotos tipo pasaporte y una tarjeta con sus huellas digitales tomada en una oficina consular americana. Consejo y advertencia Se recomienda tomar este test sobre  cà ³mo obtener y conservar la tarjeta de residencia.  Sirve para asegurarse conocer informacià ³n esencial. Finalmente, los extranjeros que adquieren la green card por  ser inversionista  tambià ©n obtienen una tarjeta de residencia temporal. Pero para remover las condiciones deben seguir un trmite distinto. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Bachata Music and dance go hand in hand. Just like Bachata music, the dance is also simple and uncomplicated, containing a series of the simplest of steps. The dance moves or step variety, during a performance, strongly depends on the music, (such as the rhythms played by the different instruments), mood, setting, and the performers’ interpretation. The leading is done like in most other social dances, with a â€Å"pushing and pulling† hand and arm communication. The original dance style from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean is a basic dance arrangement in a full 8 count moving within a square. Others in the Western dancing world later developed a more simple style and pattern, which incorporated dance elements from other dances as well. The basic is also in a full 8 count, but with a side to side motion. Both of these styles consist of 3 normal steps and then a tap step, which is often accompanied by a â€Å"pop† of the hips, and can sometimes be substituted with syncopations. The music has an accent rhythm at every 4th count, this is normally when the dancers will tap-step and pop their hips- this is called dancing Bachata to the basic rhythm of music. Bachata can be danced to other music as well if the dancers just focus on a particular instrument. The early slow style of the 50s was danced only closed, like the Bolero. The Dominican style of Bachata is danced today all over the Caribbean, now also faster in accordance to faster music, adding more footwork, turns and rhythmic free style moves which alternate between closed (romantic) and open positions (more playful). While men may perform the music, women and men alike take part in Bachata dancing. It is a dance of sensuality and seduction, relating strongly with its roots in heartache and bitterness and unrequited love. Dominican Bachata is created by the people over many years for social dancing, and is still evolving. There are many different styles of Bachata dance, here is just a few: * Original Bachata Traditional (the Western Traditional: the first Fusion Style) * Modern/Moderna (later Fusion Style) * Bachatango/Bachata Tango (later Fusion Style) * Ballroom (later Fusion Style) There are â€Å"many other Fusion Styles† of Bachata from the West, pioneered and promoted by different teachers around the world, each with its own distinct flair. Whether these are considered completely different styles or simply variations of the main styles, is often argued by teachers and students alike.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Negotiation Strategies and the Ethics in the Movie Essay

Negotiation Strategies and the Ethics in the Movie - Essay Example Nick faces strong opposition from Vermont's Senator Ortolan Finistirre, who defends in the Senate the use a skull and crossed bones in the cigarette packs. However, he does his best even as his son comes to know of his immoral venture. Nick Naylor and his friends use many business strategies to survive in their businesses. Nick Naylor invokes many negotiations in line with his duty some of which are successful while others are not. Among the many strategies that Nick Naylor uses, there are negotiating strategies that are so dominant in the movie (YouTube Web). A negotiation is a process that involves two or more individuals with an aim of work together to formulate agreements about the issues in dispute. A negotiation strategy in this case is a pre-determined approach to achieve a desired goal or objective to potentially find and make an agreement or contract in a negotiation with another party or parties (Moore Web). Negotiation strategies also involve ethics that drive the negotiat ions and dictate relations between the negotiators. This paper will address the various negotiation strategies as used in the movie, thank you for smoking and the ethics of the negotiation strategies that apply in the same movie. ... Subsequently one is supposed to plan the best environment for the negotiations and draw a concrete program for the engagement. This procedure is very fundamental in any negotiation process though it varies from one dispute to another. In some cases it even not possible to follow this procedure subject to the urgency of the matter. However, where time allows, professionalism calls for the adoption of this procedure in negotiation. This way desired results have a guarantee. Planning is indeed, very important in implementing any negotiation strategy. One should prioritize his interests in a negotiation process and rank them accordingly. In addition, one should equip themselves with the knowledge about other negotiators. They should also consider the effect of money in a negotiation process. Then plan factual inquiries carefully and plan money moves based on negotiation objective principles (Cronin-Harris, Web). Indeed, among the many factors that can lead to a failed negotiation strateg y poor planning is very significant. Other factors like failing to pay attention to your opponent, paying too much attention to anchors, caving in too quickly, gloating, and thinking the pie is fixed come in handy to the failure of a negotiation strategy (Stanford Graduate School of Business Web). In the negotiation table, one should adopt given attributes to ensure that the negotiating parties focus on the dispute and you win the dispute. It is very significant that one separates the negotiators from the problem so that they can have an independent focus in addressing the dispute. For a winning situation, a negotiator should put informed emphasis on their interests in the dispute and not necessarily on the positions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

People in middleast don't want to workout to get in shape so they look Essay

People in middleast don't want to workout to get in shape so they look for easy ways - Essay Example ks on weight loss, and more gymnasiums have opened more than ever before, but the number of people losing weight around the world is not adding up to an appropriate number who should be fit due to the technology. For this paper, I will go by the thesis statement that people in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia do use alternative methods of losing weight rather than working out. Residents of the Middle East do not want to work out to get in shape, so they look for easy ways. According to the World Health Organization, obesity in the Middle East is a notable health issue. WHO results showed that approximately 1.6 billion people were overweight, and 400 million residents were obese. According to probability statistics, by the year 2015, 700 million individuals will be obese, and 2.3 billion people will be overweight; this number includes both adolescent and adults (World Health Organization 60). The spread of the Western lifestyle usually defined as the consumption of attractive energy dense meals with undesirable composition, elevated consumption of animal fats and sugars and decreased or non- consumption of dietary fiber, along with a lack of sufficient physical activity- is one of the principal origins of obesity and overweight problems in the Middle East (Roya 439). In as much as there are great numbers of individuals in the US who are obese, it is not bizarre to see people working out to get in shape. In the US, most people take exercise seriously and they exercise extensively and religiously as opposed to people in the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia (Al-Hazzaa 663-670). The difference in culture could be the reason as to why people in the US work out as opposed to those in Saudi Arabia. People do not necessarily work out in a gymnasium, but they run around their neighborhoods in the morning or afternoon. This routine makes the obesity situation in the US better than that of the Saudi Arabia. It is almost impossible to see people in the Middle East working

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The view that Fanthorpe offers us new perspectives on the things we take for granted Essay Example for Free

The view that Fanthorpe offers us new perspectives on the things we take for granted Essay I agree to a great extent with the view that UA Fanthorpe presents the reader a new perception into the things that are so important in our lives but we are seen to be taking advantage of these things. These views are illustrated by Fanthorpe in her collection of poems Safe as Houses and two of these poems that tie in with this theory are The Unprofessionals and Water Everywhere. The first poem looks at the event of bereavement after the death of a close person and the time of consoling and supporting the individual through their mourning phase. The poem indicates that the people surrounding you who have come to support you during your bereavement dont have their presence appreciated, as it is expected from them to be there during this time and situation. In the opening stanza of the poem the Fanthorpe describes the moment as The worst thing and the use of the superlative adjective demonstrates that the person is going through the worst crisis of their life, in this circumstance the death of a close one and that this tragedy would have a knock on affect through the life of the grief stricken person. That uproots the future, That you must live for every hour of your future, The author implies that the only way through this situation is letting time do the work as suggested by the proverb Time is a great healer. During the next stanza the poet refers to the The Unprofessionals or the people who come to console as though they arent trained in the art of counseling and the event has come as a shock to them as well as the mourner as they havent anticipated this crisis. They come, Unorganized, inarticulate, unprofessional; Fanthorpe demonstrates to the reader that the frame of mind that the visitors are in is that they are struggling on how to cope with this situation and with someone who is in the midst of distressing circumstances. The author illustrates to the reader that the The Unprofessionals help the victim through this state by facilitating there day to day activities such as making tea and answering the phone. They come sheepishly, sit with you, holding hands, From tea to tea, from Anadin to Valium, The above verse suggests that their presence alone is a huge factor in the comfort that they provide to the wounded. Also the references to the painkillers suggest that the counselors engage in the bereaved daily routines to relieve them of more problems. The expression Sleeping on put-you-ups gives the reader the feeling that they are only considering ways in which to strengthen the victims spirit and this also proves that they are selfless as they contemplate others before themselves. The next verse reveals to the user how the time passes gradually in heartache as the consoler is forced to dig into conversations About wallflowers, and fishing, whilst trying to keep the mourner occupied and taking their mind of the troubles. The succinct expression and why is used commonly during this type of situation as the grieved has to confront the bigger issue of overcoming the death of there close relatives. Here The Unprofessionals are trying to pop the important question to help the person through his or her grief. Fanthorpe strangely places this immense question against the light issues of Wallflowers, and fishing to show the reader that somehow and at some point you have to tackle the larger problems in life, in the form of death. The author again ponders the casual things in life to take his mind of his problems which shows that it is hard to confront dilemmas without the help of your confidant. Like civilians in a shelter, under bombardment, Holding hands and sitting it out The final stanza as shown above also demonstrates how a traumatized individual has to confide in their counselors arms. Fanthorpe also uses a simile to create emphasis on the difficulty of the situation that not only the victim but the minder is in by comparing it to the harshness of war and its distressing affect on the civilians. The poet compares the troubles to how it felt during air raids of a war whilst under constant bombardment not knowing what was going to happen next or whose life would be taken away. The poet exaggerates the length of time it takes for the victim to recover from the dreadful pain of a close ones death by suggesting that these events of The Unprofessionals is ongoing and everlasting. Through the immortality of all the seconds, Until the blunting of time. The poets stress on the seconds helps exaggerate the length of time it takes to recuperate from an event of a sorrowful nature. However the final line makes evident that time is the greatest of healers as the use of the word blunting is symbolic of a blade, which is no longer sharp signifying that after time has had its say your pains would have diminished. The next poem which I will analyze discusses how people seem to take one of Gods greatest creations of water for granted. In the opening line the author believes that water is a God in its independence and that know one officially recognizes it as a divine being. Officially they do not acknowledge this god. Officially they honour assorted immortals In stone buildings with pioneering roofs. In the first stanza the poet is referring to the sacred places of worship that have been built with the finest material and stand out from all other buildings. Fanthorpe brings to mind the pioneering roofs of mosques, churches and temples where they honour heavenly immortals. The poet illustrates to the reader that although they dont seem to admit to worshipping water they use the water as though its never-ending in the form of the toilet or shrine. Below, a shrine To the godhead. Here they may stand alone In confessional boxes, or lie full length In his hollow bed, singing. The references above to the use of religious terms such as shrine or confessional boxes demonstrates to the user that the toilet is a sanctified site for the worshippers of water. The poet tries to manipulate everyday objects that we use with water to exemplify that water is something that we take for granted and uses the common places of the toilet and bathtub to show us that we use the water but dont acknowledge its use. Another amusing look at the water as a God is the imaginative idea that Fanthorpe creates the feeling to the reader that the gurgling sound coming from the plug hole is in fact the water gods prophecies. Here he sometimes speaks In loud, disquieting, oracular tones. Fanthorpe also uses the significance fish in Christianity to exemplify the details of the theory of the water God. Here the poet signifies that fishing is a ritual of the God as people are casting there fishing rods as a gesture to the Deity and that the people taking part are demonstrated as meditating towards the water god but in fact are too busy finding the catch of the day. We found contemplatives, with green umbrellas, Making symbolic gestures at the stream. This stanza is quite amusing as for a person who doesnt recognize the water god would believe the poet was strange and the poet is selecting the most ordinary of things in a human beings life to pick out where they are contemplating towards the water. Fanthorpe also utilizes the events of watering a garden and washing the car as being religious ceremonies intended for the water god. In the hot month they consecrate their gardens With a wet rite involving children, rubber They lustrate the car. The mention of children in the above stanza has the suggestion of the rite of baptism in Christianity and the car could be pictured as being given a re-birth as they are glistening there of its wrongdoings. The tone of the poem changes during the next verse as Fanthorpe alters her view on how people identify with the water god from a positive view to a negative impression which they make using established prayers. Lovely weather for ducks! Last Thursday we had our summer. Flaming June! (Black comedy is native to this people). Fanthorpe uses displays everyday comments made by people against the god and his rainy gift, and suggests that these comments are sarcastic towards the god. The above verse is typical of what people take for granted in water as when we have rain people complain that there is too much of it and when it is sparse they complain of having too little. This backs the idea that Fanthorpe offers us new perspectives on the things we take benefit of although we never stop complaining about the problems that it causes us. The next stanza is also comical for the reader as the weathermen on different channels are compared to ministers of god as they preach to the worshippers of what the water god has proposed for them. Ministers of the god Recite on different airways his moods and intentions. The people claim not to believe. But they listen. The above extract demonstrates the humour which Fanthorpe portrays in her work as she uses the common belief that weather forecasters are always predicting incorrectly but the majority of British society still ends up listening. The opening line of the penultimate verse there literature is great. They never read it is related to the line above as they both accuse people of not speaking the truth and this also links in with the idea that people dont acknowledge that they worship the water god. In the finale of the poem UA Fanthorpe speaks her mind by stating that humans take the form of water for granted and implies that this makes them ignorant of their surroundings. The two poems above that I have analyzed clearly demonstrate that the view that Fanthorpe offers her readers an original perception on the things that we humans take advantage of and that we should consider ourselves to be lucky to have these things for example in the form of water and friends which no one can live without.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Genetic Engineering :: Bioengineering Essays

Bioengineering, or genetic engineering is an altering of genes in a particular species for a particular outcome. It involves taking genes from their normal location in one organism and either transferring them elsewhere or putting them back into the original organism in different combinations. Most biomolecules exist in low concentrations and as complex, mixed populations which it is not possible to work efficiently. This problem was solved in 1970 using a bug, Escherichia coli, a normally innocuous commensal occupant of the human gut. By inserting a piece of DNA of interest into a vector molecule, a molecule with a bacterial origin of replication, when the whole recombinant construction is introduced into a bacterial colonies all derived from a single original cell bearing the recombinant vector, in a short time a large amount of DNA of interest is produced. This can be purified from contaminating bacterial DNA easily and the resulting product is said to have been "cloned". So far, scientists have used genetic engineering to produce, for example: - improve vaccines against animal diseases such as footrot and pig scours; - pure human products such as insulin, and human growth hormone in commercial quantities; - existing antibiotics by more economical methods; - new kinds of antibiotics not otherwise available; - plants with resistance to some pesticides, insects and diseases; - plants with improved nutritional qualities to enhance livestock productivity. Methods: - Manipulation of the Gene pool, which is related to Hybridization which is the breeding of species but the species are not the same but they are related. - Chain reaction is the production of many identical copies of a particular DNA fragment. - The utility of cloning is important, it provides the ability to determine the genetic organization of particular regions or whole genome. However, it also facilitates the production of naturally-occurring and artificially-modified biological products by the expression of cloned genes. - Insertion of selectable marker genes to pick out recombinant molecules containing foreign inserts -

Monday, November 11, 2019

Employment-At-Will Case Essay

Case Example A: Elaine has sued Jerry because Jerry fired her. Elaine was on the job for two months.The job offer letter that Jerry had sent her mentioned the great career opportunities at the company and stated that her annual salary would be $30,000. The company is an employment†at†will employer. Elaine was given no reason for the termination. After the termination, Jerry hired a man named Kramer, who had less job experience and education than Elaine, for the position. Elaine has sued to get her job back. There are legal issues in case example A. These issues will need to be brought up and answered before any decision can be made over this case. A letter was sent to Elaine. Could this be considered a contract? If not, was there a contract involved? If there was a contract involved, is it an executory contract or is it not valid at all? This is an employment-at-will employer, does the employer really need to give a reason for the termination? Ethics in business play a big role in today’s society. Could ethics have been violated by the employer? Is this discrimination against Elaine? Did the employer lower Elaine in to this business with lies to gain something from her? Is this an intentional misrepresentation or fraud? Did Elaine have a certain skill that the employer needed and after the employer got what he needed he fired her? These are short legal questions that will need to be further studied. Elaine’s argument contains legal rules to support her claim. There is printed evidence that can definitely help out Elaine. The job offer letter states that there are great CAREER opportunities at the company. A career is defined as more than a simple job. It is a major part of a person’s life. A job usually last a couple of months. A career is thought of lasting for more than a couple of years. The fact that the term â€Å"career† was used in the letter, it is assumed that this is going to be something more than just a â€Å"job† Another word that was used is annual. The annual salary was said to be $30,000. The term â€Å"annual† also implies that the career that the employer is offering is something that is  long term and not just a two month job. The plaintiff can argue that these were the conditions that were used when she was hired. She sought out this job because she was offered great career opportunities but was never given the â€Å"career† or the opportunity to make $30,000 annually. This could be classified under intentional misrepresentation or fraud because the plaintiff was brought into the business with false statements. Something else that Elaine can argue is that she was discriminated. After she was fired, she was replaced by a man that had less job experience and a lower education than Elaine. Elaine might have been let go because of her sex. This could be a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The defendant also has a valid argument that he can dispute. This business is an employment at will employer. This means that the employee can be let go at any time for any reason. Elaine knew that this was an employment at will. When she read the letter and accepted the job, she also accepted all the conditions that came along with it. The plaintiff knew that she could be fired any time. This is the defendant’s argument. Based on facts and legal laws, the judge can look over the evidence and rules and make a decision. The employment-at-will doctrine clearly states that the employer can fire the employee at any time for any reason. There are many exceptions to the employment-at-will doctrine. In this case, the tort exception and statutory exception can be applied in favor of the plaintiff. The tort exception states that the employee can sue an employer for fraud. Based on the letter Elaine received, she never was given what she was promised. The employer gave the future employee false statements regarding receiving $30,000 annually. The employer also made the employee believe that this was a career when it clearly lasted no more than two months. This is classified under fraud. The statutory exception will be the main exception in this case. The statutory exception states that â€Å"Title VII and other federal state antidiscrimination laws prohibit employers from engaging in race, sex, religious, age, handicap, or other forms of discrimination†. Right after Elaine was fired, a man was hired for that same position with less work experience and a lower education. This is evidence that Elaine was discriminated based on her sex. An employee who was wrongfully discharged can sue the employer for damages. Therefore the plaintiff will win the case. The legal rules that currently apply are fair and reasonable.  Employment-at-will employers exist because in some jobs, the employer needs that flexibility in order to respond to any changes or needs. Sometimes it is necessary to let employees go but the employer should never forget the laws of business and also ethics. Also, adding exceptions like statutory exception and tort exception to this doctrine helps protect employees in case they are ever treated unfair or are ever taken advantage by their employer. The rules that are currently set for now are fair and reasonable and should not be violated. Work Cited Cheeseman, H. R. The legal environment of business and online commerce. (Custom ed.).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benefits of chocolate-revised

How can something so good be so bad? This was a question that I often asked myself while devouring the candy and chocolate I squirreled away in my â€Å"special drawer. † I grew up in a household that has always been health conscious. My mother was one of those exercise and natural food fiends who believed that popcorn was the only acceptable â€Å"junk food. † Every Halloween she would remind us that she was letting us go out to trick or treat for tradition's sake. She would then go into what I secretly called the â€Å"evil candy lecture†.(Think Willy Wonka's dad in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. ) She would frighten us with stories of kids having their teeth fall out after eating candy. This lecture was repeated at Easter even as our grandparents handed us huge chocolate bunnies and chocolate eggs. As we grew older and wiser to the myth of the falling teeth, she changed tactics and warned us about zits and fat. We wouldn't want to look like a pimple that g rew a face now, would we? She was pretty much the same with the kids I went home with who, after raiding the refrigerator for chocolate would turn up empty handed.Mom would always chide us saying: â€Å"You guys already have so much energy that you can't even sit still. What would you want more sugar for? † To me, chocolate is that â€Å"secret sin† that a lot of people hide within the very cold depths of their refrigerators. People sneak bites of that luscious brown concoction, savoring its sweetness that varies from the dark and bittersweet to the hybrid milk chocolate like it was something so illegal. The many warnings against indulging in the often foil-wrapped sweet treat are unending.The dentist would warn against the extra acid needed to dissolve left over chocolate in the mouth that therefore result into cavities. Nutritionists and dietitians use the magic â€Å"C-word† or calories when preaching against the evils of chocolate consumption. The media incl uding television, the movies or advertising also add to the popular concerns about chocolate intake. Often portrayed, the scene has become familiar – a kid eating chocolate and candy normally is shown sporting bad teeth or is a fat slob with chocolate stains all over his hands and shirt.The svelte and gorgeous ladies on daytime shows referring to chocolate, cake and ice cream as â€Å"guilty† things. Chocolate's high levels of sugar, fat and calories have been blamed for a multitude of bad things from diabetes, acne, to rapidly and uncontrollably expanding waistlines. Yet it might surprise people to know that chocolate does have a good side to it. Minus the sugar and calories, it can almost qualify as a health food. â€Å"The botanical name for the cacao – or cocoa – bean is Theobroma, meaning Food Of The Gods. † (â€Å"Charlie's Chocolate Fact-Ory; SOME,† 2005, p. 24)Cocoa beans are the source of chocolate. While no chocolate formula is ali ke, it is an accepted fact that cocoa beans from which chocolate is derived from is rich in flavonoids or plant chemicals which have polyphenol which exhibits anti-oxidant properties (Isham, 2007. p. 27 ). While polyphenol is also present in many fruits, vegetables, tea and red wine, some people may say that it is easier to be â€Å"healthy† when you actually like the food you are eating. (â€Å"More Friendly News†¦Ã¢â‚¬  1993) Between broccoli and a Snickers bar†¦ is this really a choice?Recent studies have also shown that flavonoids protect the heart from the damaging effects of unstable oxygen compounds, which can damage blood vessels. A study conducted in Germany and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that the intake of dark chocolate could lower blood pressure. Similar studies have also shown that the flavonoids found in cocoa have anti-blood clotting properties and could decrease the level of low-density lipoproteins, other wise known as bad cholesterol. (Taubert, Roesen, et. al. 2007)The two-year study, which was conducted at a primary care clinic in Germany from 2005 to 2006, tested adults with mild untreated hypertension. Half of the test subjects where given polyphenol-rich dark chocolate bars while half where given white chocolate, which is mainly made up of cocoa butter. Results indicated no change from the blood pressure of the white chocolate eating group while an average drop of 5 points of systolic pressure and 2 points of diastolic pressure was monitored from the dark-chocolate group within two weeks. (Taubert, 2007)So while eating dark chocolate could be beneficial to our health, what about the supposed tooth cavities it brings? It has after all been widely believed that the acid the mouth needed to produce to â€Å"clean† the chocolate off teeth damages tooth enamel and causes decay. According to research done by the Forsyth Dental Center in Boston Massachusetts, â€Å"normal consu mption of milk chocolates, especially at meals† had no direct connection in causing cavities since chocolate by itself has the ability to â€Å"offset the acid-producing potential† of its sugar content.(â€Å"Myths and Facts†) What about the supposed correlation between chocolates and acne? Much to the delight of chocolate lovers, independent studies done at the University of Pennsylvania and the U. S. Naval Academy have categorically disproved this myth. There is also no truth that chocolate lovers take in too much caffeine. An ounce of milk chocolate only contains 6 mg. of caffeine, not much more than what is found in a cup of decaffeinated coffee. The only fat in plain chocolate comes from cocoa butter, which is produced when the roasted cocoa seeds are pressed.Comparing cocoa butter fat with other fats in food, researchers have discovered that despite its total saturated fat content, cocoa butter does not raise levels of bad cholesterol such as other kids of fat did. Such was the result of a study conducted by Dr. Margo Denke and Dr. Scott M. Grundy as published in the December 1991 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (â€Å"More ‘Friendly' News About Chocolate And Beef,† 1992). Rather than be harmful, cocoa butter is good given its high stearic acid content, which is cholesterol neutral.(Ross, 2001) Even chocolate milk is better than just plain milk as it has been proven to contain more zinc, potassium, niacin and riboflavin than plain whole milk. (Roesel & Overly) Experts say that to get the best possible antioxidant benefits, one should prefer dark chocolates and not those mixed with milk as it appears that the milk solids deter the absorption of antioxidants. (Taubert, 2007) There is also that persistent belief that some component or chemical part of chocolates make them addictive.Leah Porter, vice president of scientific affairs for the Chocolate Manufacturers Association in Vienna, believes that the s upposed addiction is merely craving caused by the taste and smell of chocolate. â€Å"Chocolate's appeal is due to aroma, flavor and creaminess, not any addictive properties,† says Ms. Porter, who holds a doctorate in plant sciences. â€Å"If it's addictive, then other foods are addictive. † (â€Å"Chocolate's Dark Little Secret;,† 2005, p. B01) Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical that increases in our brains that gives us a feeling of well-being and euphoria that is similar to the feeling of being in love.(â€Å"‘Eating Chocolate Makes You,† 2006, p. 30) In addition to this, it also stimulates hormones that deaden â€Å"pain† areas making it an effective and non-medicated answer to headaches (Daly & Fredholm, 2004, p. 1) Given this, it is no wonder that chocolate is among the most common â€Å"comfort† foods that people crave for especially in times when they are down and emotionally distressed. Despite these findings , critics abound against the touted health benefits of chocolate. Many are skeptical about these so-called benefits and view pro-chocolate studies as highly biased since these were commissioned by the chocolate manufacturers themselves.Some researchers question the supposed benefits of flavonoids saying that sufficient tests in a controlled environment have not been done (Tanner, 2003). Add to this the fact that most tests done are through chocolate manufacturing industry funded research damages their findings' credibility. John W. Erdman, a professor of food science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois concurs with this problem but notes that it is a â€Å"necessary evil† since research would be very difficult to conduct if it relied entirely on independent funding (Schmidt, 2002).Erdman further adds that most of the time the Food and Drug Administration only conducts tests after preliminary research has been done. He adds that one positive way to look at things is that at least, it may not be such a bad thing that companies are investigating the nutritional value of their products. (Schmidt, 2002)ReferencesCharlie's Chocolate Fact-Ory; SOME TASTY FACTS ON OUR FAVOURITE SNACK 2ozs Can Kill a Dog Was Once a Medicine 400 Beans Make 1lb It Speeds Heartbeat. (2005, July 17). The People (London, England), p. 24. Chocolate's Dark Little Secret; What's Good and What's Not about Tasty Treat. (2005, March 22).The Washington Times, p. B01. Daly, J. W. , & Fredholm, B. B. (2004). 1 Mechanisms of Action of Caffeine on the Nervous System. In Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain, Nehlig, A. (Ed. ) (pp. 1-11). Boca Raton, FL: Routledge. Retrieved October 9, 2007 from http://www. questia. com/read/108551912 ‘Eating Chocolate Makes You Feel Good'. (2006, December 19). South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales), p. 30. Isham, A. (2007) â€Å"Eat (More) Chocolate –Lose Weight (Anyway)† The Chocoholic's Survival Guide and Practical Handbook. Pando ra McShannon Press. â€Å"More ‘Friendly' News About Chocolate And Beef† (1992) Southwestern Medical Center for Human Nutrition. (Dallas, Texas).Retrieved from Southwestern Medical Center for Human Nutrition database: http://www8. utsouthwestern. edu/utsw/cda/dept27717/files/48295. html.â€Å"Myths and Facts. † Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Company. Retrieved October 8, 2007 from Chocolate Chocolate Company website: http://www. chocolatechocolate. com/mythfact. htm.Nehlig, A. (Ed. ). (2004). Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and the Brain. Boca Raton, FL: Routledge. Ross, J. (2001 March), â€Å"Cocoa and Chocolate as Functional Foods† Natural Health Products Technology Cluster. Retrieved from htttp://www. uoguelph. ca/nhptc/Jessica1. html.Roesel, K., Overly, B. â€Å"All About Chocolate† Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program Retrieved from http://ces. ca. uky. edu/bourbon/fcs/all_about_chocolate. htm.Schmidt, P. (2002) â€Å"Chocolate's Pot ential Health Benefits – and its Effect on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients. † ImmuneSupport. com. Retrieved from ImmuneSupport databse: http://www. immunesupport. com/library/showarticle. cfm/ID/3464/ Tanner, L. ( 2003 August 27)†Studies Show Light, Dark Sides of Milk, Dark Chocolate. † USA Today. USA Today. com. Retrieved October 9, 2007 from http://www. usatoday. com/news/health/2003-08-27-dark-chocolate_x.htm.Taubert, D. (2007 July 3) Consumption Of Small Amounts Of Dark Chocolate Associated With Reduction In Blood Pressure. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Retrieved from JAMA database: http://pubs. ama-assn. org/media/2007j/0703. dtl#1 Taubert, D. Roesen, R. Lehman, C. Jung, N. Schomig, E. (2007) â€Å"Effects of Low Habitual Cocoa Intake on Blood Pressure and Bioactive Nitric Oxide: A Randomized Controlled Trial. † Journal of American Medical Association Vol. 298 No. 1. pp 49-60 Retrieved October 9, 2007 from JAMA database: h ttp://jama. ama-assn. org/cgi/content/abstract/298/1/49.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Theory X, Y, and Z Essays

Theory X, Y, and Z Essays Theory X, Y, and Z Paper Theory X, Y, and Z Paper Comparison and Contrast on Theory XY and Z Douglas McGregor suggested that there are two different ways in which we can look at workers attitudes toward work. Each of these views, which McGregor called Theory X and Theory Y, has implications for management. Theory X (authoritarian management style) -People do not really like to work and will avoid it if at all possible so they must be coerced, controlled, directed, threatened with punishment to get them to work. -The average worker avoids responsibility, is unambitious and wants security more than anything else. Management based on Theory X is paternalistic at best and, at very least, authoritarian. -Rewards and punishment are assumed in this theory to be the key to employee productivity. Theory X managers believe that workers are only motivated by one thing money. They are selfish, lazy and hate work. They need to be closely controlled and directed. Theory Y (participative management style) The theory Y is to some extent the opposi te image of X -Effort in work is as natural as rest and play. People will apply self-control and self-direction in the pursuit of organizational objectives, and the external control or the threat of punishment is not the only means of getting them to work. -Commitment to objectives is a function of rewards associated with their achievement. The most important reward: satisfaction of their own ego needs. -People usually accept and often seek responsibility. -Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population. People are capable of using these abilities to solve an organizational problem. In modern industry the intellectual potential of the average person is only partly utilized. Theory Y managers believe that Workers are motivated by many different factors apart from money. They enjoy their work and they will happily take on responsibility and make decisions for the business. Theory z William Ouchi Theory Z makes certain assumptions about workers: People tend to want to build cooperative and intimate working rela tionships with those that they work for and with, as well as the people that work for them. They have a high need to be supported by the company, and highly value a working environment in which such things as family, cultures and traditions, and social institutions are regarded as equally important as the work itself. They have a very well developed sense of order, discipline, moral obligation to work hard, and a sense of cohesion with their fellow workers. Finally, Theory Z workers can be trusted to do their jobs to their utmost ability, so long as management can be trusted to support them and look out for their well being. One of the best aspects of theory Z is the long-term employment which would appeal to Americans because they want job security. The collective decision making will create a good work environment and increase productivity. Something that Americans wont like is the slow evaluation and promotion. Americans dont like to wait years before they can get a promotion and they would rather get a new job instead. Another great benefit is that the company will have holistic concern for you and your family. Theory Z also places more reliance on the attitude and responsibilities of the workers, whereas McGregors XY theory is mainly focused on management and motivation from the managers and organizations perspective. Comparison Contrast Douglas McGregor tends to categorize people as one type or another: either being unwilling or unmotivated to work, or being self-motivated towards work. Threats and disciplinary action are thought to be used more effectively in this situation, although monetary rewards can also be a prime motivator to make Theory X workers produce more. William Ouchi believes that people are innately self-motivated to not only do their work, but are loyal towards the company, and want to make the company succeed. Theory X leaders would be more authoritarian, while Theory Y leaders would be more participative. But in both cases it seems that the managers would still retain a great deal of control. Theory Z managers would have to have a great deal of trust that their workers could make sound decisions. Therefore, this type of leader is more likely to act as coach, and let the workers make most of the decisions. As mentioned above, McGregors managers, in both cases, would seem to keep most of the power and authority. In the case of Theory Y, the manager would take suggestions from workers, but would keep the power to implement the decision. Theory Z suggests that the managers ability to exercise power and authority comes from the workers trusting management to take care of them, and allow them to do their jobs. The workers have a great deal of input and weight in the decision making process. Conflict in the Theory Z arena would involve a great deal of discussion, collaboration, and negotiation. The workers would be the ones solving the conflicts, while the managers would play more of a third party arbitrator role. This type of manager might be more likely to exercise a great deal of Power based conflict resolution style, especially with the Theory X workers. Theory Y workers might be given the opportunity to exert Negotiating strategies to solve their own differences. Theory Z emphasizes more frequent performance appraisals, but slower promotions, while according to Theory X, appraisals occur on a regular basis. Promotions also occur on a regular basis.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Immigration In The United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Immigration In The United States - Essay Example During this period the ban on Asian entry was lifted and all the nations were on an equal footing. This brought in an unexpected flow of immigrants from Korea, Taiwan, China, and the Philippines. There was a sharp and sudden increase in immigration from India, China, and Korea by 1980s and as a result, the population of Asians in the US started rising. As the economic and political condition in Vietnam deteriorated, the US government had no alternative but to allow them to enter the US. For different reasons, immigration from Latin America and Asia surged during the 1980s. It is also estimated that by 1990 there were additional 3.3 million undocumented immigrants living in the US of which 75 percent were from Mexico. In 1996, the total Mexican population in the United States was 7.15 million of whom 2.35 million or 38 percent were unauthorized. There was a backlash against the immigrants in the mid-nineties when the federal immigration law became punitive and restrictive. The immigra nts were blamed for the social and economic problems. There was a fear that Americans of European descent would become a minority and this projected shift is already evident in urban areas like Los Angeles and Miami (Massey, 1995). Immigration is changing the size and composition of major cities in the US. Card (2007) says that immigrants are usually drawn to expanding cities particularly to cities with historical enclaves of earlier immigrants. Immigrant arrivals increase the local population with a limited outflow of other groups.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business GP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business GP - Essay Example Other areas are also important so explained briefly; the blind spot is what others know about a certain individual, but which the individual does not know about himself, the hidden area which is known only to the individual himself, and the unknown area consists which is unknown to the individual and the others as well. The open area can be used to communicate effectively within the organization. The open area is very important because this introduces the new team members, which in this case would be the Working Better group. When we work in this area, we are at our best and also productive. The open arena is actually seen where good cooperation and communications occur. Also when different teams are grouped, the size of the open area can be expanded horizontally into the blind space so that individuals can learn more about themselves. This can be done by seeking and actively listening to feedback from other people. This can be done by anonymous slips so as to ensure privacy. This cannot be done immediately until or unless the people actually get to know each other first. Ice breakers heighten the effectiveness of training sessions, which will be particularly significant in this conference. On the first day, everyone needs to introduce himself/herself and this can be done in a comfortable manner through the ice breaker exercises. One exercise that can be done effectively is that after everyone has stated their names, a manual can be handed out to any random person that he/she should start with any word. That same person will ask the next person to continue with any other word. For example, the person with the manual states ‘I’, the person next to him might say ‘am’ and this continues on. Not only it shows dependency on other team members which illustrates that team work is important, it creates humor when people can come up with any random words, hence breaking